McDowell Aglow In Being Reminded Of An Errant Shot On Route To 2010 US Open Success

It’s not often a champion golfer such as Graeme McDowell wishes to be reminded of an errant shot hitting a spectator and in this case how a shot he hit on route to victory at the 2010 U.S. Open champion affected the life of the unlucky Pebble Beach patron.

It has bizarrely emerged via a McDowell tweet posted soon after he and playing partner, Corey Conners teamed to produce a 15-under par 57 on the opening day of the QBE Shootout in Naple, Florida of the events of 12-years ago along the Pacific Ocean shoreline.

In the tweet, McDowell responded with the comment: “Just amazing to spend time with you and your dad Jared. He truly is an inspiration. Look forward to talking more about MS and how we can help other people. See you soon”,

Jared Doerfler had firstly tweeted: “Life can be a full circle. At the 2010 US Open – Graeme hit a ball left.  My dad fell trying to get out of the way.  It was the first sign something was goofy that led to an MS diagnosis. The @PGATOUR connected us with @Graeme_McDowell this week. Unforgettable experience”.

There was a photograph of McDowell and the Doerlfer’s on the Tiburon range in Naples.

We now learn that Jared Doerfler is the author of Perfect Putt golf newsletter – a weekly on-line newsletter that states: “Writing about the business within the world of golf and that breaks down the business of golf”.

Doerfler’s twitter page boasts 1195 followers and with his biggest single ‘hit’ being his tweet about McDowell and the events at the 2010 U.S. Open.

We know MS, or multiple sclerosis, is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance. Sadly, it’s a lifelong condition that can sometimes cause serious disability, although it can occasionally be mild. But then, and like some diseases, if discovered early can lead to a lessening of personal and related family hardship

It turns out that after being hit by McDowell’s errant shot along the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean, Doerfler’s father attended hospital and was diagnosed with MS and with father-and-son no doubt suggesting if it had not been for being hit in the leg, a positive MS test may not have been known for many more years to come.

It means the father has been able to deal with the diagnosis so much earlier than the disease would have been noticed.

McDowell, whose own mother has long had a mild-form of MS, clearly warmed to the meeting as evident by his tweet and you only have to admire the look on the faces of father-and-son to realize no treatment in the world could have brought out such a smile.

That’s the great thing about this ancient club-and-ball game and why the game itself continues presenting stories such as the Doerfler’s.

Well done, G Mac.  Well done, the PGA Tour and best wishes to Jared Doerfler and his father.


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